Honoring Legacy: The Hawaiian Kingdom Loyalty Award at Huliheʻe Palace

Hale Mua Cultural Group

King Kamehameha Vʻs Hawaiian Kingdom Loyalty Awards - Inaugural Ceremony, Huliheʻe Palacce - Moku o Keawe

Date: April 11, 2024

We celebrated the success of our Hawaiian heritage and loyalty at Huliheʻe Palace. This event honored the recipients of the Hawaiian Kingdom Loyalty Award, a prestigious honor established by King Kamehameha V. Join us in this yearly celebration as we explore the significance of this award and the rich history of the palace.

Hale Mua Cultural Group

Dr. David Keanu Sai

Moku o Kohala Award Recipient 2024 - Dr. David Keanu Sai

The Hawaiian Kingdom Loyalty Award was established by King Kamehameha V, also known as Lot Kapuāiwa, to honor individuals for their distinguished service to the king and the people of Hawaiʻi. This award reflects the values of loyalty and dedication that were central to the Hawaiian monarchy. The ceremony at Huliheʻe Palace is a tribute to these enduring values, celebrating those who have contributed significantly to preserving Hawaiian culture and history.

Moku o Kona Award Recipient 2024 - Dr. Richard ʻKekuniʻ Blaisdell

The Daughters of Hawaiʻi, a group dedicated to preserving the cultural legacy of the Hawaiian Islands, play a crucial role in organizing this event. Their commitment to maintaining Huliheʻe Palace and its treasures ensures that future generations can continue to learn about and appreciate Hawaiian history. This partnership underscores the importance of community involvement in preserving cultural heritage.

Hale Mua Cultural Group

Leonelle Anderson Akana Accepting on Behalf of Dr. Kekuni Blaisdell

ʻŌlelo Noʻeau:

"Ua mau ke ea o ka ʻāina i ka pono.""The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness."

This ʻōlelo noʻeau, famously spoken by King Kamehameha III, encapsulates the spirit of the Hawaiian Kingdom Loyalty Award and the ongoing efforts to honor and preserve Hawaiian culture.

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